“Chess4All&All4Chess” Captivate Enthusiasts at Al-Ain Festival

The FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess (WOM) and FIDE Athletes’ Commission (ATH) collaborated with the Adly Chess Academy to present the “Chess4All&All4Chess – FIDE Little Stars, Egypt Events” during the Al-Ain Overseas International Chess Festival in Egypt (27/11 – 3/12/2023). This two-day extravaganza showcased a series of engaging activities designed to foster a love for […]
3rd international “Health Social Handicap, CSR” Conference held in Paris

3rd international “Health Social Handicap, CSR” Conférence, organized by French Chess Federation, took place on December 07, 2023, in Paris, France. Dedicated to the current and new social chess projects, the conference brought together 64 partners and experts who are implementing chess-related projects to promote equity, inclusivity and tolerance within the society. International social responsibility […]