As part of celebrating 100 years of FIDE special awards will be presented, in 19 different categories.
„The International Chess Federation (FIDE) proudly announces a series of awards to honor those who have made exceptional contributions to the world of chess in the past 100 years.” – says the official announcement.

We are glad to share, that one of the awards – „Advocate for Women in Chess” will be given with the cooperation with our commission – FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess.

Who is our award meant for?
„Awarded to a male or female chess activist (organizer, enthusiast, contributor) for their work in promoting women’s chess and supporting gender equality in the chess community.”
You can submit yourself or someone you think has made an impact and brought positive change to gender equality and situation of women and girls in the chess world.
All details and submissions here (submit till 15th of August):