As part of the global celebrations of FIDE’s 100th anniversary, a memorable event was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, bringing together young chess enthusiasts for an inspiring day of learning and competition. Organized at the Traju Team Chess Centre, the event featured a simultaneous chess exhibition with Woman Grandmaster Dana Reizniece, Deputy Chair of the FIDE Management Board.

The simul brought together girls aged 7 to 12 from two schools where chess has become a part of the educational program: Sek Keb Putrajaya Presint 14 (1) and Sek Keb Putrajaya Presint 18 (1). These young players not only enjoyed the experience immensely but also expressed their excitement and motivation to work harder to improve their chess skills.

The event emphasized the importance of creating opportunities for girls to explore and excel in chess, fostering both their strategic thinking and confidence.

This inspiring initiative was made possible through the dedicated support of the Putrajaya Chess Association and it’s President, Mr Firdaus Ismail and Malaysian Chess Federation. Big thanks go to Mr. Akhramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, President of the Malaysian Chess Federation, and Mrs. See Swee Sie, Deputy President, for their invaluable cooperation. Additionally, gratitude is extended to the Ministry of Education of Malaysia and the Assistant Director, Mr. Mohd Khairil Ikqwan Bin Husin, for their essential role in facilitating the participation of young students.
The FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess is proud to support events like this, which demonstrate the power of chess to inspire young girls and pave the way for their future achievements in the chess world and beyond.

Let us continue to create more opportunities for girls to shine and grow through chess!