
Chess4All & All4Chess – Baltic and Ukraine edition

The FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess is proud to announce an new event for women and girls. Now Chess4All & All4Chess, a series of worldwide chess events for women, moves to Baltic countries! A new edition made for female players from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Ukraine will take place in Tallinn on June 26-27, 2023. The event is organized in cooperation with Estonian Chess Federation and will take place in Paul Keres Chess House (Vene Str. 29, Tallinn, Estonia).

A true festival, organized especially for women and girls playing chess, will include a blitz tournament, Q&A session with female chess role models, and a friendly teams match between U8, U10, U12, U14 girls representing Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine.

Ambassadors of the event: WGM Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Deputy Chair of the FIDE Management Board, and GM Natalia Zhukova, Winner of Chess Olympiad, two-time European women’s champion, President of the Ukrainian Dream 2023 Foundation.

FIDE Blitz Girls/Women Tournament (June 26, 2023)

Participation in the blitz tournament is free and open for all female chess players regardless their age and rating.

Format: 7-round Swiss tournament with time control 5 min + a 3-second increment.


17.00-17.30 Registration

17.30-17.40 Opening Ceremony

17.40-20.00 Round 1-7

20.00 Closing Ceremony and photo session with WGMs

Top-3 players of the tournament will receive diplomas, medals and a cup. All participants will get certificates of participation. Prizes (equivalent of 500 euros) will be provided by the organizers.

Tournament regulations:
To register for the event, pease fill the following form:


Project Supervisor Anastasia Sorokina 

Tournament Coordinator Nadzeya Krauchuk 

Tournament Organizer Margit Brokko