
FIDE ChessMom Initiative: Call for submissions

As Mother’s Day approaches in many countries in the month of May, FIDE is pleased to announce the start of the application process for the ChessMom project.

The ChessMom pilot initiative by the Commission for Women’s Chess aims to support professional chess players who are mothers of infants under one year old. Specifically, through this initiative, all expenses related to an accompanying or caregiver person for ten female players traveling with their infants to the 45th Chess Olympiad in Budapest, Hungary will be covered.

We invite federations, clubs, and players themselves to send their applications, including information about a mother and a child, as well as a Letter of Concurrence from the National Federation, stating that a player is a part of the National Team by filling the following form:

For more information and confirmation, please contact the Project Leader, Francisco J Cruz Arce.


WhatApp +1-787-587-3409

Olympiad Registration dates are from April 18 – June 10, 2024

Important Timeline for ChessMom Submissions

May 06, 2024 – Submission Period starts

May 29, 2024 – Submission Period closes

May 30, 2024 – WOM ChessMom Project meeting

June 01, 2024 – WOM announcement of selected Players

Learn more about the ChessMom initiative here: