Join us for Little Star Riga, a two-day event dedicated to inspiring and empowering young female chess players, organized in cooperation with the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess. These events are official side events of the Riga Christmas Chess Festival 2024.

Simultaneous Game with WGM Dana Reizniece
Experience the thrill of playing alongside one of the world’s top players in an exclusive simultaneous exhibition match. This special event is open exclusively to young female participants and promises an unforgettable chess experience.
- Date: 14/12/2024
- Time: 10:00 – 12:00
Little Star Riga Blitz Tournament
Compete in a dynamic blitz tournament designed to promote young talent and nurture a vibrant community of female chess players. This exciting event will feature seven rounds of fast-paced games under the Swiss system.
- Date: 15/12/2024
- Time: 10:00 – 12:00
- Tournament system: 7 rounds, Swiss system
- Time control: 3 minutes per game + 2 seconds increment per move
Pauls Stradiņš Medicine History Museum
1 Ukrainian Independence Street, Riga
Participation is FREE, so don’t miss this unique opportunity to sharpen your skills, meet new friends, and celebrate the spirit of chess!
Register through this link: