We are pleased to announce, that as part of our partnership with the annual FIDE endorsed International Children-Youth Chess Festival Rudaga-Kaissa 2024, the FIDE Women’s Commission will be providing on-line lessons (held on September 28th) with Anna Muzychuk for the winners of the girl’s tournaments (A&B, U21).

It is our great belief that thanks to trainings with such an elite player the young talents can not only learn a lot about chess, but also understand what it means to be a real champion. We hope this opportunity will motivate the girls and ignite their passion for chess.
The Festival will take place from 14th till 19th August in a famous seaside city Jurmala, in Latvia. The registration is open until August 2nd.

For more information about the event, visit: : https://docs.google.com/file/d/1enpwqBmhgclxiCQTEo70SyZci-oS-Wy8/edit?filetype=msword