FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess, European Chess Union Commission for Women’s Chess & Organizing Committee of the European Rapid and Blitz Chess Championship 2022 in Katowice organised the first “All for chess & Chess for all” WOM event “Gwiazdka szachowa”.
8 young ladies (born 2014 or younger!) were chosen to participate on the main stage during European Championship!
The aim is to inspire young girls into chess, to show them there are a lot of opportunities in the game – from playing and becoming a champion itself through being a chess arbiter, journalist, to being a leader!

“One day I hope a girl will become a World Champion, not women, but in general! But to achieve that we really need them to believe, to boost their self-confidence…I hope the girls will really get inspired into a chess world.” – said WGM Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Vice President of ECU and FIDE Deputy Chair of Management Board.
Whichever path those young ladies will eventually chose, with organising such events, we all want to motivate them to aim high.
The girls played divided into two groups, 4 people each. Winners of each group will meet tomorrow in the big final, again on the big stage of one of the biggest sporting arenas in Poland!

All participants:
Antonia Szczepanek
Bao Anh Angelina, Nguyen Doan
Marta Staszczyszyn
Aleksandra Mróz
Laura Górecka
Maria Kopiec
Katarzyna Smolińska
Wiktoria Tempich

Bao Anh Angelina Nguyen Doan became the winner of the first “All for chess & Chess for all” WOM event “Gwiazdka szachowa”! Laura Górecka finished second.