This week the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess, the African Chess Confederation and the Ghana Chess Association held one more event for women and girls. The Princess tournament was held in Accra, Ghana.

15 girls from 7 countries participated in the tournament: Nigeria, Angola, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Ghana, Madagascar, and Gabon. Participants of the event were greeted by Dana Reizniece-Ozola, Deputy Chair of FIDE’s Management Board, who has visited Ghana with FIDE100 celebrations and the Olympic torch relay.

Winners of the Princess tournament:
1st place – Quicken Deborah Ebimobo-Ere (Nigeria)
2nd place – Tsinjoviniavo, Aina Mahasambatra (Madagascar)
3rd place – Ridham (Ghana)

During the tournament the continental winner of the Queens’ Festival 2024 Ms. Makwena Christine Clareta was awarded.
Photos: Niki Riga