As a FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess we are thrilled to announce that icon of women’s chess, the best female chess player of all time, Judit Polgar has confirmed her presence at our WOMEN&CHESS&BALANCE Conference!

WOMEN&CHESS&BALANCE is an upcoming conference organized by the FIDE Commission for Women’s Chess, dedicated to empowering women in the world of chess and beyond.
The Conference will be held during the 45th FIDE Chess Olympiad 2024 in Budapest, Hungary on the 21st September.

Except the legendary Judit Polgar the speakers will include CCO of Daniel Rensch, FIDE Official Dana Reizniece-Ozola, advertising professional, manager of the legendary Viswanathan Anand – Aruna Anand, Vice President of the Global eSports Federation Dr Melita Moore, top event organizers like Norway Chess’s Director Kjell Madland, CEO of ChessWorld Ilya Merenzon, representatives from UNHCR and many more influential voices in the chess world.
The event will feature a diverse range of topics, including «Sporty Strategists: Chess and Beyond», «Management», «Women’s Safeguard», and «Building a Chess Tournament’s Brand», «Social media management» among others.
This Conference is designed to benefit not only professional chess players, but also those working in related fields or those aspiring to enter the chess community.
Date and time: September 21, 2024, 3-8:00 PM
Location: InterContinental Hotel Budapest & ONLINE
Participation is free.
Conference will be available on-line under the following link:
If you wish to attend in-person, you have to officially register, however if you want to take part in the Conference on-line the registration is not necessary – you will be able to follow everything through the above-mentioned link.
To register please visit and fill the form.
See you at the Conference!